Wednesday, September 23, 2020

How Good is Basis NLP for Enterprise Search?

 I get asked a lot about Basis, a NLP company which has been around for a long time.  Their main focus is multi-language and performing Part of Speech and Named Entity Recognition. Ok that's great. really great. If it were the 1980s. 

But the 80s are long gone. 

Noonean takes it to the next level with dependecy analysis, morphological analysis, and has developed the Noonean Morphological Grammar engine which converts each sentence into a unique "snowflake" of relationships which correctly describe that sentence. This allows us to compare that analysis against millions of others in microseconds.  

Basis has nothing like that.  Instead they use an old technology similar to GLOVE and encode sentence meaning distance into N-dimensional vectors.  they call tha Rosetta. Basis has no basis in state of the art nlp.

Yah we tried it once, it's no good for enterprise search. it looses accuracy.

Noonean was built from the ground up to tackle enterprise search. That's what our technology does. If you want to determine if the paragraph is sad or happy, use BasisTech. If you want to find your data accurately without the hassle of endless training, get Noonean.  

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