Saturday, February 1, 2020

Frustrations with Feynman - The Quantimists are kicking a dead theory

The more I actually have wasted time digging into quantum theory and Feynman's diagrams the more I see it as malarky and fake science, with zero rationality in nature and zero explicability power for observational reality.

It's like a madman staring at hydrogen tank bubble trails for far too long.

It's also a rejection of Lorentz, Oliver Heaviside, and just about all the great minds of physics.

In this Feynman diagram, an electron (e⁻) and a positron (e⁺annihilate, producing a photon (γ, represented by the blue sine wave) that becomes a quarkantiquark pair (quark q, antiquark ), after which the antiquark radiates a gluon (g, represented by the green helix).

OK, let's dissect this. Prove to me the existence of the electron. That's step one. I reject the paraffin experiments. OK now prove to me the existence of it's anti-particle. Explain to me why the anti particle differs by charge. Explain to me how the anhilliation event produces quarks and finally a Gluon (another non-existent thing) and finally explain to me how forward and backward moving time has been shown to exist. 

It's all mental masturbation by people who should know better. Feynman's book was a good read, but devoid of real physics. He was a bad conga player, an amateur safe cracker, and a idiot who got a free salary for gassing on about non-existent particles. What horror. 

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