Sunday, January 19, 2020

The death of john anthony west and the travelers key

I always seem to get too busy to hear that someone who I had come to appreciate has passed on. It's always about a year later that the news catches up to me. Some people (like Syd Mead) I'm so tied in with their groups that I find out instantly and others like Jonathon Anthony West I seem to straggle through and hear of later.

His great work, Serpent in the sky, is something you should read sometime. It costs a bit in hardcover these days.

It was funny, as I thought of egyptian tradition of our spiritual selves getting trapped in the mortal plane, and death being just the reversal to our original state to begin the cosmic journey to the stars, I have to admit, that when I first heard of his book "The Travelers Key (to ancient egypt) I instead thought of a mormonic key that gave us access to the correct flight back in death. Because really, as travelers that's our most important journey and key.

I first encountered the sphinx in the dark. We had just climbed the great pyramid. Dusty and tired, and dubios taxi drivers awaited to grift us. We had had enough of Egypt, taken our fill for the day and were read for harem girls and james bond casinos. When off in the dark, lit up, we saw the back of a giant head.

"what is that?" asked my friend

"I think that's the sphinx" I replied, as if some expert that saw it every day.

We descended further down the path happy not to have been shot in our skallywagging up the great pyramid. The sphinx drove home a more ancient more mystical sense. There in the dark it was telling us... you have yet to learn what I know.

So I think back on John and how he worked on these riddles in his life. Isn't that how all lives should be spent?

I bought another copy of Serpent in the Sky to read again. I already own it, but the christians have put it somewhere but that's another story.  I know I will enjoy reading it all again.

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