Monday, December 3, 2018

The Big Bang is a MIS-Interpretation of a Vibrating Universe

Doppler light shift. This one phenom is the basis for the expanding universe. So we assume galaxies are flying apart.

That brought Idiot Hawkings the notion of expansion in reverse - the Big Bang.

But what if doppler light shift is not a result of velocity, but rather, the cumulated effect of vibration pattern waves on light motion.  A sort of standing still movement that accumulates.

In this paradigm, the universe is stable not expanding, and the Big Bang never happened.

Somewhere in my immense vast spare time I have a book in the works "After Einstein, the Vibrationary Model of the Universe" but alas, I'm so stuffed at the moment and there's one or two books ahead of it! So until then you'll have to settle for the interesting but inchoate and lesser treatise on quantum lattice structures (which I now refer to as aethertons) and the earlier writings by Lorentz before he caved to the Einsteinians under pressure. Poor Lorentz.

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