Saturday, September 21, 2024

Americans can no longer spell or speak

 So I'm watching a TV series called the billionaires or is it billions which is okay with a cramped a ton of crap in it of course it has passive white males interracial sex as if that's nothing and the token shaved headed female who doesn't fit in use your heart difference but what is most discouraging is an interview scene in season 2 episode 3 where the black supposedly highly intelligent interrogator begins interrogating a woman about a stock she supposedly bought which is called potash. No I'm quite familiar with the substance being chemically blinded and I know that pronunciation is clearly pot ash but the blithering it is says over and over again p o u g h t a s h and I'm thinking to myself how could no one involved in this show correct the error

Of course in the show the highest position the attorney general of the United States is a black woman gee I wonder. This is the democrat Marxist notion of infectioning a reality and then it will somehow manifest it's not far from witchcraft except on the psychological side it's also quite wrong but still they use it as a technique to constantly push against the overton window like classifying the most vicious black murderers as white in the databases and then saying that blacks are not more violent when the reality is it's something like 22 times more violent. They do this all the time it's all living in an illusory reality which the NPC can thrive in their poverty and drugs and mental masturbation sessions called therapy but the truth is people will get poorer as the massive debts December souls rack up begin to crash the dollar and push inflation which is exactly what happened under the biden administration this would not be possible without so many dumb people sadly most of which are single women with cats. These are the women raised on feminism and the belief that career and money would bring happiness when the reality is having a happy family with children is life's greatest reward they wake up at 40 their eggs dried up and become depressed than vindictive than evil and then you end up with something like sHrillaryClinton.

Okay now the  lesbian-esque bald chick who is supposed to be like the smartest thing on earth at  the meeting she holds says teleological except she pronounces t e l e like telephone my hand plants into my forehead I am unable to watch media produced for the masses anymore because they are so f****** stupid my brain explodes

I have decided that the creators of these shows are not actually intelligent they are using some kind of word a day pad and trying to work in more advanced words that are actually outside of their range of knowledge to try to impress somehow .  They did it before with quissling. and I'm not sure if the writers actually understand what the words mean and how they are to be pronounced and the actors are simply too stupid that can't be the case though because there are so many people who watch these things get filmed and then edit it and then produced there's simply no way that it can go through hundreds of people and no one realizing that they are making imbeciles of themselves yet that is exactly what is happening it is like a construction team of 60 IQ people making a bridge in Florida that crashes and collapses and kills people or the dumb people putting together Boeing planes and not putting all the screws in because they are dei hires and then Doors  pop open mid-flight

 I've also noticed recently so many of the titles for things over people have to type them in and don't have access to a spell checker for example on a YouTube thumbnail felt very often be words misspelled terribly simple words spelled wrong and I ask how can this possibly be I know for certain a ton of these are Chinese using AI to translate and fake The Voice so that when it comes to the very brief little bit of typing in English they have to do they cannot type simple words but there are other videos and postings where it's fairly clear it is a native American no not the Indian kind and they cannot spell the simplest of words and this really is one more case of the shocking dumbing down of our nation which is intentional our schools are utterly destroyed and designed for simple tools part of that is the racial collapse of the society and it's quite simple to solve without even getting into racial issues simply segregate the schools to form physically separate buildings and separate your children accordingly so that the brightest their own curriculum the college capable ones get another thing you want fries without club get their own dumb down curriculum and finally the miscreants at the doggies stay on the road place t h u g g i e s so they don't do this instead teaching down to the lowest common denominator which is essentially about a 40 IQ and now we see the difference as the college educated which were once mostly around 110 to 120 IQ with engineers and doctors being more in the 130 range and inventors and hardcore scientists being in the hundred 40 plus range now I dare say the average college student is probably about a 90 IQ dim bulb this is shocking because this really is the death of the nation and it is intentional I think really the entire teachers union every last teacher in America should be fired immediately forever banned from ever teach again and never have their own major called teaching that's ridiculous they should study archeology or mathematics or biology not teaching that just allows them to be brainwashed into Marxism and that really has to stop similarly there should be no program called MBA they're finally see I'm causing spelling areas because I'm using voice to text but that's understandable and a bit more clear that it is the translation software making the error myself not myself. I don't know is it just the last candle of intelligence going out as I watch the nation die and descend into chaos and stupidity it will take 50 years to correct this ahead of us a horror of at best a bisected society sadly the left pushes equity which means the dim people are given the jobs that smart people deserve and we have bridges and planes collapsing I think of the water and sewage systems in Alabama and Louisiana that just shut down or flint Michigan because even though they're given budgets to properly maintain them they simply embezzle all the funds and then everything stops working and then oh what's the racial correct way to say this let's just say the high IQ people have to come in and fix everything yet again for the savage people there needs to be a homeland for our people for us to prosper again separation is the only long term solution quite difficult politically

II think back to my career in artificial intelligence and research and computer software and for the first half of it I spent my time trying to do what you were supposed to do which was work really hard be better than 100 other people take on incredibly difficult challenges work yourself near to death accomplish everything flawlessly and then he would be recognized and promoted what happened instead was that the bosses to credit for all my work and as soon as I would leave a job they would also need because they had no one to do all the work and they're absolute incompetence would be revealed I however got nothing never and there was never any reward because America had turned the page from an honor-based society to agreed basis ivy where everything was made me and there was no concept of building teams with good people later this expanded with the importing of 2.2 million Indian engineers with fake degrees cooler generally dumb as a stump and absolutely useless and they use a similar system of the few mediocre ones covering for the dozens of dumb as a rock types and it was all fraud and I tried to see why companies were doing this and they were doing this because of race they were doing this because they were all white MBA executives who are generally stupid got huge salaries never did real work and by bringing in these hordes of brown people they're able to show their company was quote diverse America then turned even deeper into the horror of Marxism and race destruction with the likes of govt pushing for equity which means you give the dumb and useless the same jobs and salaries as the brilliant hard working what is the effect of that well without reward without a reason to work hard or be the best the best leave the game this is what is happening now in America and this is why America is stupid so from simple spelling mistakes to not being able to read a clock to not being able to write in cursive and certainly not to have a deep discussion of acidities or thycidides sadly our nation is on a Doom trajectory and not even Maga can save us. It would require some kind of Maga essentially near king level to unravel the mess that has been brought on the USA and much of Europe and Great Britain this is come from a complete anti-white hatred a pushing for a genocide of all white Nations it is sickening and one asks who could possibly be behind this I believe it is a high level faction that has two parts psychopathic oligarchs combined with a leadership that is mostly from the faith of the judeans lands and for some reason they are hell bent on our destruction I really don't know what the answer is but certainly sunlight and exposure is the first step this is now currently illegal in the UK and Europe isn't that shocking the truth is now illegal so we go from people not being able to speak simple spelling errors and simple fringe indications of a science society destroyed and a Marxist society rising which is why every time I see a speech by demothugs I 🤢

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Kunstler Explains Why the USA has lost its way ...

 I thought this was a great (terrible patriarchy man splaining) quote by Kunstler

It is the way of Homo sapiens that moral codes derive generally from the supervision of fathers in the upbringing of human young and, later on, as children develop into adults, these codes are archetypally re-enacted and enforced by men in the greater social matrix. Why? Because it requires a strong sense of boundaries. Boundaries are the essence of the “patriarchy.” Remove men from the scene, or castrate them politically, and you are sure to end up with a problem knowing right from wrong. We’re apparently subject now to the misrule of women with boundary problems who, for one reason or another, rebelled against Daddy and never got over it. It’s a peculiar irony — so far unexplicated by the hierophants of social theory — that the more affluent and successful Daddy was, the more he was hated for it by his female offspring.

The result of all that is the Democratic Party of our time as run by the batshit crazy women, fearful of sex and its consequence (babies), paradoxically subject to biological promptings and unable to find suitable mates among the men they’ve turned into eunuchs of one sort or another; resentful of the dull managerial jobs that have replaced the anathematized “jobs” of motherhood; filled with rage and revenge fantasies which, because of their boundary problems, have now extended to willing the destruction of our country. It’s an uninviting view of what’s happened to us, but there it is, like so much meat on the table.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

New Book Released : After Einstein The Theory of Aetheric Spin and Propagation

 About to hit international distribution by Makyo Press

The book argues Einstein as a discredited charlatan who either stole others work without accredation or whose big "discoveries" were all done years earlier by others. It reviews his political push to fund the establishment of Israel and the murder of Palestineans and his role as more of a political spearhead for judiasm (ashkenazi-ism and zionism not the offspring of Judea). 

Then it dives into the problems with relativity and gives a thorough spanking to Einstein over his weak ideas and his poor performance in defense and debates. It wrestles through what Maxwell, Faraday, Poincare, de Pretto, and Tesla had to say on this theory as well as the early thoughts of HA Lorentz (who later converted in old age and worked on a mathematics where space-time actually existed and bent, which it does not)

The second book dives deep into the theory of Aetheric Spin and Propagation, the next level of ether theory which is where physics would have arrived in the 1930s were it not for the politics and the money machines. In short, we lost 100 years of physics progress to balderdash and ended up in quantum entanglement, string theory, gravitrons, photons, and worse horrors from the particlel-ists (can you say Intermediate Vector Boson? )

order it HERE: After Einstein

Saturday, March 12, 2022

My Books Recognized as TextBooks by Chegg


This is a big deal. Colleges are using my books to teach. Two of my books are officially recognized by Chegg textbooks. 

My early work on physics and lattice sub quantum effects which is a first attempt at unifying electricity light magnetism and gravity and explain Chernekov radiation and also my work Zirp Zombies which shows how countries become slaves to their central bankers once they reach a zero interest rate policy

Of course, Zirp Zombies was totally right, predicting the hell we are in today a decade before. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Euphrasian Cathedral in Porec Croatia

 The Euphrasian Cathedral in Porec is quite interesting. Mirroring the ancient cathedrals in Ravenna, the portrayal of Christ not as PAUL but still as the original person is quite evident. This difference was wiped away forever as the face of Paul began to replace Christ by the year 800. 

Notice the very different look of Christ and Paul. 

God is the Lamb of God with SIX Shamash stars. Quite interesting that we see the shamash again. The shamash is the star of devastation, or world ending, and was last seen in Sumerian times. 

Shamas is the interference pattern - Piscis Vessica - between the invisible brown dwarf companion star to our sun, and the sun, as they near. Note that only christ and the lamb have this pattern within their Halos denoting power and the godhead. Similar to the columb pictured in the vatican window. 

Now if we look at the shamash early dipiction in this sumerian drawing, we see the "birth" between two stars and more interesting, the lines of force go straight UP not circular. Which forms the Menorah. So is the Menorah really timing the oil lamps burning or is that cover from the real symbology which is the shamash? 

Enlil and Enki appear in the time of the visible shamash. Perhaps a planet around the binary companion has life? And they can only travel here for a brief time?

They will often mistranslate this as the sun but numerous scrolls make clear the sun, the moon, and the shamash are 3 distinct objects. Many will correctly show the shamash as between the sun and another star. 

And this is why the sign of the star and the prophet are combined in the birth of the prophet. The christ star was most likely a comet. he apparition of 12 BC was recorded in the Book of Han by Chinese astronomers of the Han Dynasty who tracked it from August through October.[10] It passed within 0.16 AU of Earth.[64] According to the Roman historian Cassius Dio, a comet appeared suspended over Rome for several days portending the death of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa in that year.[65] Halley's appearance in 12 BC, only a few years distant from the conventionally assigned date of the birth of Jesus Christ, has led some theologians and astronomers to suggest that it might explain the biblical story of the Star of Bethlehem

Friday, January 21, 2022

New "Ass Cheek Workout Pants" Selling Like a Storm as Women Seek Mates at Gyms


Women are returning to the gyms in droves, now that covid is over they have to get their tummies flattene and their buns burned and toned. But there's a deeper motive - "that's where the hot guys are" said Bunny FlossMyCheeks. 

Indeed the new style of yoga pant called the Butt Flosser is all the rage as women seek to be noticed. And Camel Toe enhancing frontside drives the male bulls wild. 

"Tommy saw me on the hip adducter machine spreading my thighs and basically had to come over" said Sherry BubbleButt. 

Forget Peloton workouts alone, the dating scene is back open for business at the gym and the winner is butt floss pants!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Books are selling well in the netherlands and one new book.. The Zen of Tigger

 More and more NL sites are posting my books. 

I finished a short version of a book I've wanted to finish for over 20 years - the Zen of Tigger. Reading the tao of pooh I always felt it didn't quite fit taoism very well.  The better lessons came from Tigger and Eeyore and they were clearly ZEN lessons. 

At first I thought I would right a regular book but then switched to the SHOBOGENZO koan format where I would present the dialog from the House at Pooh Corner and then write my commentary against it. 27 chapters of this and it was enough to piece together a book. Good for parents and children and zenn-ists alike, I hope everyone enjoys it. 

It's best to purchase it directly from LULU to get it fastest. You can find it at this link